The Original One-Stop Solution for Homeschool Parents

The Print and Go Homeschool Curriculum Club

Get a complete, done-for-you homeschool curriculum conveniently delivered every single month for only $5/month so that you can unlock your child’s full potential with homeschooling in 2 hours or less per school day 

To help you make to most out of the resources, you also receive priority support from a trained teacher and access to a new live take action challenge every month.

Help your child succeed without the overwhelm, struggle and long hours.




Get Instant Access To

Everything you need to homeschool with confidence

New Curriculum Unit for Your Family Each Month

So you can stop spending your precious family time hours planning lessons on the weekends.

Monthly Live Classes for Your Kids

Meet other homeschool families and learn together… without having to drive anywhere or plan anything

Ask Questions and Get Support Any Time

So you can ask questions and get expert advice any time (without needing to go on Zoom or hire a babysitter).

September’s Curriculum Theme: Farm and Harvest

Many families pay hundreds of dollars per year just for homeschool curriculum alone (and they have no support if they get stuck).

But I decided to create a one-stop-shop that every homeschool family can afford for just $5/month.


Are you tired of…


Staying up late at night worrying about following your state’s homeschool laws


Trying to choose the right curriculum from an overwhelming pile of 21934875987 options… only to use it for 2 weeks and realize that you and your child both hate it, again


Spending hours looking for the perfect activity on Pinterest and setting it up, only to have your child get bored of it in 4 minutes and leave a giant mess for you to clean up

If only there was a better way to homeschool without the overwhelm (and without it looking just like a traditional school).

You wish you could just know for sure that you are doing enough for your child.

You want to help your child reach their full potential with homeschooling so…

You tried researching in the mom groups on social media...

BUT these groups are full of conflicting answers and well-meaning “advice” that just makes homeschooling even more overwhelming and confusing. You don’t need the guilt and reminders to “enjoy your kids while they’re young.” You just want to know what to do, right now, to make sure your child will be successful.

You searched for the perfect homeschool curriculum...

BUT what’s perfect for one family might not work at all for another. And most homeschool families have a huge stack of expensive curriculum options that they bought, tried, and didn’t like (or never even used in the first place) to prove it. With all the options out there, finding the perfect curriculum can be like finding a needle in a haystack… blindfolded.

You even thought about just doing traditional school at home...

BUT the whole reason why you’re homeschooling in the first place is because you want something different and better for your child. You know you don’t want your homeschool to look like traditional school, but you’re not sure HOW to make it different, while still making sure your child is learning.

What if you could have a new done-for-you curriculum delivered to you every month

… and know how to teach it

… in the easiest and most enjoyable way for you and your child?

This might sound impossible but it’s exactly what’s happening inside the Homeschooling Better Together Academy.

Here’s how.


All it takes are

3 Simple Steps

To make homeschooling exciting and fun for your child (and for you!)

Set Up Your Homeschool For Success

and create a custom school experience that you and your child love

Plan and Teach Lessons that Make Learning Fun

and ignite a love of learning that has your child begging to keep learning even when the lessons are done

Get Support and Stay Accountable

and elevate your teaching to help your child reach their full potential in learning and in life

I’ve helped hundreds of homeschool parents and families raise kids that love learning so much that they beg to do school on weekends.


Getting to this point wasn’t easy

Before I had kids, I always assumed they would go to public school like I did.

We even bought a house that’s just down the street from the public elementary school.

But then I learned that my active son would have to sit in a desk for 7 hours per day, the month after he turned 5.

I knew he needed something different. I thought homeschooling would be easy. After all, I had a degree in education and over a decade of classroom experience.

I read a bunch of recommendations in Facebook groups and picked a curriculum that seemed to work for everyone. What could go wrong?


I quickly discovered that homeschooling was much harder than I thought.

My son didn’t want to sit still for hours each day doing worksheets. In fact, he didn’t want to sit at all.

Then my daughter was born. She had severe colic and spent the first year of her life crying from 11 AM until bedtime, EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

I quickly discovered that my plans for homeschooling were not realistic and that homeschooling was going to be much harder than I thought.

So I tried:


Switching to a different curriculum...

(but that got expensive fast since I didn’t know what to do when the curriculum didn’t work for me and my kids)


Asking for advice from friends...

(but what worked for them didn’t always work for me, and I got so much conflicting advice that it just made me even more confused)


Doing it myself with resources from Pinterest...

(but it took way too long to find and plan everything, and I still felt like there were “holes” in what we were learning)


Just doing school at home...

(but my son hated that, and honestly, so did I. There is a reason why he’s not in traditional school and although it’s harder to do something new, it’s worth it!)

I told myself:

There must be an easier way to homeschool, that will allow my kids to learn what they need to know AND love learning at the same time!


What if I could use the things that my son was already naturally interested in to make school fun and interesting for him?

I started creating simple hands-on activities for him, using the topics and things he was most interested in, and including them in our homeschool.

And this time, I finally started to see the results I’d been wanting for my son:


He was learning more and faster, thanks to science-backed strategies


Because he was learning more, he was soon ahead of my lesson plans (and his peers in public school)


He was begging to do school (instead of the other way around)


And all this happened in less than 2 hours per day (and with a new baby in the house!)

The best thing?


I was spending less time fighting with my kids about school and planning lessons, and more time ENJOYING learning with them.


Being my kids’ teacher AND their mom became one of the biggest blessings in my life.


Can this really work? YES!

Welcome to…

Homeschooling Better Together Academy

The first done-for-you homeschool curriculum library and parent support program for homeschool parents that will help you use homeschooling to invest in your relationship with your child and inspire them to become a lifelong learner in 2 hours or less each day.




What you’ll learn

Step 1

Set Up Your Homeschool For Success

And create a custom school experience that you and your child love

Lesson 1:
Build a foundation for your homeschool
… so your child’s homeschool experience is a perfect match for their unique personality and learning style

Lesson 2:
Create simple systems and structure with done for you curriculum
… so you can balance homeschooling, family life, and your other responsibilities, without getting burned out and frustrated with the process


Lesson 3:
Become your child’s best teacher 
… without needing a degree in education and a decade of experience in the classroom 



Choose your family’s homeschool style quiz


Discover your child’s learning style assessment


Homeschool Systems and Routines Setup Guide


Daily Homeschool Schedule Template Pack


Top 10 Teaching Strategies Toolkit


Engaging Reluctant Learners Action Plan

Step 2

Plan and Teach Lessons that Make Learning Fun

and have your child begging to keep learning even when the lessons are done

Lesson 4:
Plan and Prep the Perfect Homeschool Lesson
… so you can spend less time planning lessons and more time enjoying learning with your child

Lesson 5:
Teach Your Lessons with Confidence
… so you can know you are doing enough for your child, no matter what curriculum you are using


Lesson 6:
Customize Your Child’s Learning
… without relying on suggestions from friends that might work for them but don’t work for you



Print your digital homeschool curriculum step by step guide


Perfect homeschool lesson planner & how to lesson plan in 10 minutes per week tip sheet


“This lesson isn’t working” emergency action plan


Behind the scenes lesson videos with tips from a trained teacher


101 ways to Customize any lesson for any child guide


Sneaky ways to include any required subject in your homeschool action plan

Step 3

Get Support and Stay Accountable

and elevate your teaching to help your child reach their full potential in learning and in life

 Lesson 7:
Find a Supportive Community
… so you can stay consistent and get help when you need it


Lesson 8:
Reflect and adapt
… so your homeschool will evolve with your child’s needs as they learn and grow


Lesson 9:
Plan for the Future
… without limiting your child’s future potential or worrying if your child will regret their homeschool experience as an adult



Monthly Challenge Tracker


Social activities idea bank and resource directory


Homeschool Reflection Journal


Homeschool quick fix 10 minute Improvement Templates


Long-Term Educational Goals Planner


Developmental skills by age checklist

Get instant access to

New Done-For-You Curriculum Every Month

New Quick Action Challenge Every Month

Plus All of These Resources

“defend your decision” Script library

Exactly what to say to your mother-in-law, the cashier at the grocery store, and anyone else who is wondering about your decision to homeschool your child, designed for introverts and tested by real homeschool moms.

Value $17

Top 10 Teaching Strategies Toolkit

Each of these easy to follow strategies can be learned in 10 minutes or less, takes no additional time to implement, and will help you teach your child like a pro, even if you have no teaching experience.

Value $10

digital curriculum organizer

Store all your digital curriculum files right inside this custom spreadsheet! See everything you have at a glance, sort by subject or child, and access your files from anywhere. You’ll never waste time trying to find a resource you downloaded again.

Value $17

Record keeping template library

Spend more time learning with your kids and less time keeping track of your lesson plans and homeschool records with these easy-to-use, print-and-go templates.

Value $27

Homeschool Reward Pack

Use these certificates, reward coupons, sticker charts, and more to celebrate and reward your child’s progress in learning.

Value $17

This Membership is for

2 Types of Homeschool Parents…

New Homeschool Parents

who are feeling overwhelmed and aren’t sure where to begin. If you know you want your child’s school experience to look different than traditional school, but you aren’t sure HOW to make it happen, the Academy is for you. 

Experienced Homeschool Parents

who want to spend less time planning lessons and handling the administrative tasks that come with homeschooling and more time having fun and enjoying the process as a family. If you’ve ever wished you could just snap your fingers and have all the prep work done for you, the Academy is for you.

Total Value = $100+

Today’s Price = Only $5


What Parents Say About My Resources

Homeschooling Better Together Academy

The first done-for-you homeschool curriculum library and parent support program for homeschool parents that will help you use homeschooling to invest in your relationship with your child and inspire them to become a lifelong learner in 2 hours or less each day.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What age range is the curriculum best for? What grade is this?

A: The resources will be best for kids in preschool and elementary grades, but all the activities in the curriculum are designed for kids of different ages to do together, so that the whole family can learn together. It’s in the name- Homeschooling really is Better Together!

Q: What subjects will be included?

A: My plan is to include as many subjects as possible, with the exception of learning to read and math. I’m planning to create the curriculum based on the needs and requests of parents who are using it, so the list of included subjects may change over the first couple of months based on feedback from families.

The curriculum will not include resources for learning to read or for math because both of these subjects require a curriculum that is very specific to your child’s skill level. I am planning to add a list of recommended options for these subjects and tips for how to find the right curriculum for your child’s learning style.

Q: Is your learn to read curriculum (Reading Better Together) included?

A: No, Reading Better Together will not be included and there will not be any resources for teaching your child to read. Everything in this curriculum will be designed for siblings/different ages to do together.

Q: What will the topics for the curriculum be?

A: The main themes for the units will be  a variety of science and history/geography topics (with a tie-in to a children’s book). They will all be kid-friendly topics and I will be taking requests from parents who are using the curriculum to help choose topics.

Q: Will there be new curriculum units over the summer or just during the school year?

A: There will be a new curriculum unit each month, even during the summer.

Q: Can I wait and join later? If I sign up later, can I get the curriculum from a previous month?

A: You can sign up at any time but this month’s exclusive curriculum will not be available after the end of the month.

Q: I don’t have Facebook. Is that a problem?

A: No, all of the resources can be found inside your private curriculum hub. No social media access is required.

Q: We’re not homeschooling yet. Will this still work for me?

A: Yes! If you’re planning to get started homeschooling soon, you’ll find help that you need to get started the right way.

Q: I’ve been homeschooling for a while. Will I still find value?

A: Yes, the academy is perfect for families who are looking to make homeschooling less overwhelming and more fun. Plus you’ll get to skip the stress of finding resources and spend time enjoying our monthly member-exclusive curriculum with your child instead.

Q: Does this only work for homeschool parents?

A: No, this also works for grandparents, great-grandparents, babysitters, and anyone else who wants to teach a child at home.

Q: How much support is included?

A: Ask questions and get answers via e-mail any time. I’ll answer questions by e-mail within 48 hours on weekdays and live on video at least once a month.

Q: I am not tech-savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?

A: No, this is very beginner and budget-friendly and you don’t need to be good with tech or buy any software.

Q: When will I get access?

A: You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase, so that you can create your profile and access the resources inside your private curriculum hub.

Q: Is this curriculum print or digital? Will I get anything in the mail?

A: This is a digital curriculum, and nothing will be mailed. If you don’t have a printer or want to get it printed, you are welcome to send the files to a printing company that can print them and mail them to you. In the Academy hub you’ll find a step-by-step video showing how to do this.

Q: How do I know this will work for my family? Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes, there is a Homeschool with Confidence 30-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee. If it doesn’t work for you for any reason, just e-mail me and I’ll send you a full refund.

Homeschool With Confidence Guarantee

I’m so passionate about making sure that you can homeschool with confidence, that I want to make sure you find the perfect resources for your family.


That’s why I’m offering the Homeschool with Confidence Guarantee.


Take 30 days to try out the Homeschooling Better Together Academy. If you don’t love it, simply e-mail me for a full refund.


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